Monthly Night Service
Sunday 30 October 2022, 05:30pm - 07:00pm

Last Sunday of Every Month

5:30pm - 7:00pm - Monthly Night Service

This relaxed, informal service runs for about ninety minutes and is hosted by our Young Adults ministry. The coffee machines are hard at work from 5:30 pm until the service begins at around 5:45 pm. We sing together, listen to someone’s testimony (the story of how Jesus is helping and changing them) and hear a talk. Bring your children along—although we don’t have a program for them, the service is friendly for all ages. Afterwards we hang out together and enjoy dinner at the church.

(03) 9720 7121

Electronic Giving
BSB 063 199 | Account 0090 0404

281-283 Colchester Road
Kilsyth South Victoria 3137
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Office Open

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays